Ban China State-owned propaganda News outlets operating in India: Red Lantern Analytica

New Delhi. Red Lantern Analytica (RLA) has written to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, along with Minister of Electronics and Information technology and the Minister of State for the same ministry expressing our grave concern over People’s Republic of China (PRC) State-owned propaganda outlets operating freely in India via smartphone applications listed in the Google playstore and Apple app store.
RLA has highlighted in the letter, the eminent risk of this “Psychological Warfare” against the Indian populace, with 60 crore Indians directly exposed to this PRC funded propaganda. Even in the recent past, PRC ties on “Data Espionage” have been evident in the latest cyber-attack on the AIIMS, Delhi servers and the attack on seven power grid hubs in India.
We have prepared a list of 14 such applications listed over Google PlayStore and Apple App store, and propose that the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) use its authority under Section 69a of the Information Technology Act of 2000 to immediately ban these applications. Its notable, that the full list of such PRC funded apps could be extensive, and we will be happy to work with the ministry pro bono to identify such apps functioning in India.
Additionally, we would like to emphasise that instances or clones of these applications, which may be available on Amazon Fire Stick Appstore and other Smart TV appstores, must also be investigated and banned.
Till the ministry takes an expected swift and decisive action over the request, RLA urges the Indian nationals to use their discretion when reading news from social media or any of applications which may have been influenced by operatives working under Beijing’s directions.
The full letter along with the propose list of applications can be accessed on the link below:
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